Write for Eidolon

Published in
1 min readJun 30, 2016


General Pitches:

Our editorial team considers all pitches that conform to our pitching guidelines. If you have an idea for a personal essay about your experiences with classics, a thoughtful comparison between the ancient and modern world, or anything else that you think would be a good fit for our mission, submit it via this Google Form.

Please note that Eidolon articles typically fall between 1,500 and 3,000 words and are written to be accessible to a broad audience. We prefer pieces that explore nuance, take risks, or have fun with the ancient world. If your idea might make a good article for a peer-reviewed journal, it probably isn’t right for Eidolon.

Writers are compensated for their work: $50 for essays, and $25 for reviews and lighter content.

We especially welcome submissions from writers with historically underrepresented identities.

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